Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Guitar ? Amp ?

I'm planing on getting the Ibanez RG350DX to be my first guitar.
I saw this deal on Ebay brand new with hard case and its $300.
and the deal will end with in a day, so i better get it fast.
But the problem right now is that my parents won't let me get it,
so i will try to convince them some more
and hopefully i will get it before it's too late

and i think i will be getting Peavey Vypyr 30 to be my amp.
i have heard people said that it is a decent amp for the price.

If you have any suggestion please leave me a message. Thanks


  1. i think a music beginner should not get their own instrument right away.
    u can rent for one something like that.
    im picking up the trumpet now and rent from school $80 for a year.

  2. I did actually borrowed a guitar from our drummer, but it was kind of old and it doesn't sound right in my opinion. that's why i am planing on getting one of my own :)

  3. R u guys taiwanese?
    i just saw this blog in a taiwanese forum

  4. Hahaha umm.. 2 of us moved form Taiwan about 3 years ago. and another one is from Korea. how about you ?
